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cno cycle造句

"cno cycle"是什么意思  
  • Interested students can find the detail reactions of the p - p chain and the cno cycle in our textbooks
  • The net effect of the cno cycle is the same as the p - p chain . but carbon is used as a catalyst
  • The cno cycle is faster and more energy is produced per second . in order to effectively transport the heat energy out from the star , its core has to be convective
  • Since a carbon nucleus is six times more positively charged than a hydrogen nucleus , the cno cycle can only operate at the higher temperature and density provided by the more massive stars
  • When no hydrogen is left in the core , p - p chain reaction stops . remember that solar mass stars burn hydrogen through p - p chain producing helium , while stars more massive than 1 . 1 solar masses undergo the cno cycle
  • The new rate of 11c ( p , ) 12n is larger by about a factor of 2 than that of ref . [ tan02 ] , and could transfer 3he to cno materials earlier , so that it may act as a seed of the cno cycle and cause the explosive of the massive star
    计算结果表明,在某些巨质量贫金属星中, “ he通过“ c ( p ,的‘ zn从p一p链过度到cno循环,有可能起到种子核的作用,引发星体的爆炸,从而改变巨质量星塌缩为黑洞的命运。
  • It's difficult to see cno cycle in a sentence. 用cno cycle造句挺难的
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